Thursday, May 16, 2024

Olga Volozova's Chachanar Desert Tales

Olga Volozova is a cartoonist and illustrator whose comics work is dense and tends to incorporate the text as part of the art. Her illustration work, like her collection of fairy tales Chachanar Desert Tales, (Pegasus Publishing) goes in the opposite direction: the art becomes part of the text, dreamily and moodily modifying it. Volozova creates something quite delightful here: a suite of series built around the concept of a desert that "you can visit when dreaming." Describing a whimsical series of methods of how to get there, she notes that the result differs for each person, and that this book simply represents the stories that she brought back.

Each of the stories is accompanied by her painted illustrations that evoke the text like fever dreams, or more precisely, mirages. Indeed, the final story, "The Mirage Makers," is about the origin of mirages. A tribe of Gray Camels was given the responsibility by the gods-sent White Falcon to use a Mirage Machine to help dreams become reality. The lead camel, Old Rom, accidentally lost the stone that powered the machine, leading to people staying away from the desert and dreams starting to fade. When he recovers it at the end after falling into a state of total despair, it signals a return to dreams, and is a wonderful capstone to the book in general. 

Volozova's stories involve a young witch who makes dresses out of sand, a boy who discovers how waiting for snow in the desert is the key to happiness, how a wizard married a young woman cursed by a snake, and how a whistling young girl turned a bird into a man and eventually became his companion. There were times I wished the book was twice as long and had more illustrations, but there are a number of beautiful full-page illustrations that bring Volozova's stories to life. Like any good fairy tale, each of the stories is whimsical, exciting, and tinged with darkness as well as brightened by hope.

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful...What a beautiful review!!!helped me to understand myself and my ways of writing much more! :) Flocks of thanks and best wishes sending your way! :)
