Here's a rundown of links for articles I've written for the Comics Journal for the month of April, plus a couple of other things I wrote.
Three issues of Pat Lewis' Cragmore.
B.Kliban's 1975 classic Cat.
The Rob Jackson-edited anthology Gin Palace.
Jeremiah Piersol's one-man anthology The Rejection Section.
Gene Yang's new book Prime Baby.
The second issue of Robin Enrico's minicomic series Life of Vice.
My MoCCA Festival 2010 report.
The preview of Steve Bissette's upcoming 1963 project.
Four new minis from the great Sam Henderson.
The fifth issue of Sean Ford's series Only Skin.
The first volume of Liz Baillie's Freewheel.
The 12th issue of the Greg Means-edited anthology Papercutter.
The latest volume from the Complete Peanuts, covering 1975-1976.
The second volume of Margaruite Dabaie's The Hookah Girl.
The third issue of Mike Dawson's minicomic series Troop 142.
Sarah Becan's The Complete Ouija Interviews.